Private View
An Art Trilogy
A Trilogy of 3 parallel shows presenting fresh & relevant art produced in Greece today
artAZ is delighted to present Private View - an art trilogy consisting of 3 parallel exhibitions, mounted respectively by three independent curators. The shows complement one another and, together, bring to light the diversity and coherence of contemporary creative disciplines. Figurative & abstract painting, Urban & Street Art, Drawing, Sculpture, Video - the various different art forms coexist under a borderline experimental co-curation, that highlights the importance of creative dialogue.
The venture marks the launch of 9 ΕΝИΕΑ, a new cultural space on the fringe of the Athenian center.
Private View unfolds over 3 levels, with each level hosting a different presentation. Allowing a look at a curator's perspective, the 3 shows eventually intersect, mapping the landscape of contemporary Greek art production.
One could argue that artistic dialogue is what lies at the core of the exhibition: conversations between different artists, artworks, art forms and -of course- between the three curators. The curator's role is paramount in this case: he assumes the role of almighty selector. The quest is about attaining harmony and aesthetic uplifting by employing antithesis, while a documentation of contemporary artistic practice is attempted through the presentation of current and relevant works. The exhibition results from the collaboration of a large, dynamic group of people, active in different creative fields, highlighting the importance of productive interaction. Even the space's address -a not-so-obvious- urban location - is deliberately selected in order to further enhance the imperative of incorporating art into daily life.
All of the above are very much the case and, to a great extent, key in determining the end visual result. At the core of the show however is the desire to focus on quality art, devoid of theoretical or otherwise pretence and limitations. It is a simple statement: to bring the viewer in direct contact with great art produced in Greece today.
Private View presents a diverse line-up of Athens-based, Greek and International artists, proficient in their fields and prolific in their work regardless of the blockades.
9 ΕΝИΕΑ: 9 Keas St., Koliatsou Square, Athens, Greece
Curated by: Alexandra Kollaros, Sarah Ettlinger, Christos Tolis
Produced by: artAZ
Duration: 4 December 2014 - 15 January 2015