Solo exhibition at Batagianni Gallery

Batagianni Gallery presents the eleventh solo exhibition of Eleanna Martinou under the title "Sparkling", curated by art historian Niki Papaspyrou.
The exhibition will feature paintings, cyanotypes and small-scale relief sculptures belonging to the artist's latest homonymous body of work. The exhibition opens on Saturday, May 25, 2024, 11:00 - 15:00 and will run until Saturday, June 29, 2024.
With references to the shimmering of the sun or the moon on the surface of the sea, the transparency of water, the playfulness of light, the alternations of colours, animals and plants in the new series of works, Eleanna Martinou "continues" her wanderings in nature. As in "Urban Impressions", in her previous series of works, she focused on the urban landscape and its observation, now the core of her attention is nature itself and its phenomena, the structures and rhythm that distinguish it. Logs, shells, rocks, stones become objects of study, recording and imprinting. In these works the human presence is absent and when it appears as an exception it is a huge and threatening figure, suggesting the barbarity, vanity, arrogance and greed of humanity in its relationship with nature. Eleanna Martinou vividly captures the magic, serenity and splendour of nature, indicating through its unparalleled richness, its fundamental importance. She symbolically highlights the "historical" deadlock and paradox of our time. The fact that while we know how the destruction of nature is leading to our extinction, we continue our march towards the "void". The beauty in the works becomes the mirror of the "ugliness" of the world we have created.Visiting hours: Tuesday to Friday 16:00-20:00, Saturday 11:00-15:00 and upon request
Batagianni Gallery, Antinoros 17, 11634 Athens